Exercise and Nutrition Working Together


Exercise and Nutrition Working Together

Abbie recently sat down with Strength and Conditioning Coach Simon Jones to chat through all things nutrition and fitness. Now, Simon is a high-performance coach, working with both male and female top athletes across a range of disciplines. But that doesn’t mean that he can’t break down the advice he’s providing to them to make it applicable for everyone. In fact, he’s recently helped Abbie to find exercise and movement that fits in with her life.

How does he do this? The first key element is:

Any exercise you’ll do is better than the exercise that you won’t

Love squash, gardening, dancing or long walks? Then schedule that in. Those work-outs or movement sessions that you procrastinate doing, cut-short or dread aren’t the answer. Instead, he suggests finding things that you love and then tweaking the intensity. This will allow you to add exercise into your life for the long term.

This is similar to the approach that we apply to food at Feel Fresh Nutrition. Strict rules that leave you feeling depleted or like you’re missing out aren’t sustainable. Finding healthy habits that work for you and stacking those on each other builds resilience and long-term success.

The second element is finding the exercise that fits best with your lifestyle. Live a high-paced life running from work to family commitments? Do you pack as much into each day as possible? High-intensity exercise could be placing more stress on your body and mental health, rather than providing an outlet and chance for your brain to recover. Instead, it might be more beneficial for you to look at incorporating a calming yoga class, walk around the neighbourhood or a social game of tennis into your schedule.

Speaking of mental health, we also need to remember that our exercise or movement practice is there to support us. If you wanted to go out for an hour-long run, but time restraints mean that it can only be fifteen minutes, make sure you congratulate yourself. Wanted to get to a Pilates class but instead managed ten minutes of stretches after the kids went to bed? It’s still worth celebrating. You made time for yourself, in amongst a packed schedule.

A structure can support us by removing some of the decisions from our day. But for some, it can be so rigid that it leaves them feeling like they haven’t achieved enough or that they should have done more. By focussing on the positives and each step you make on your health journey, you’ll build momentum towards your goals.

Finally, within both movement and nutrition, it’s best to not take an all or nothing approach. If you work late and end up grabbing takeaways on the way home, that doesn’t mean that you might as well restart your meal plan on Monday. If you miss your run on Tuesday, you can still do your next planned gym session. One missed meal or class won’t change you, but the daily habits that you build will create the healthy life that you want.

Want to hear more about how to find the motivation for movement? Check out the full interview with Simon on our YouTube channel.


Are protein bars a good snack option for me?


Are protein bars a good snack option for me?

However when it comes to protein bars, it can be overwhelming. There are so many options – vegan, gluten free, low carb, refined sugar free – so which one do I choose?

Protein bars ingredients lists can be confusing as they’re filled with names of things like, ‘sweetener,’ ‘emulsifier,’ ‘glycoside,’ ‘maltodextrins,’ and ‘flavours,’ as well as many other lengthy, scientific names. So what are these compounds, and what do they mean for our health?


Are Smoothie Bowls Good For You?


Are Smoothie Bowls Good For You?

Are smoothie bowls good for you?

Aren’t smoothie bowls fattening?

Don’t they have a lot of calories?

Our friends over at Bowl and Arrow get asked these questions a lot. So we’re here to clear up the myths around smoothie bowls and teach you what to include in your blend to ensure you are getting the best bang for your buck.


More of a watch-and-learn kinda person? You can check out the Instagram Live we did with the Bowl and Arrow team.


Firstly, let's make it known that a smoothie bowl IS a whole meal - not just a drink to have alongside a meal. Just like a lot of other meals, smoothie bowls can be amazingly nutritious, or nutritionally lacking - it really depends on the ingredients used!

A smoothie with lots of fruit, sugar syrup, and apple juice is not going to provide the same nutrient profile as a smoothie that contains vegetables, nuts, fruits, and good fats - like the ones at Bowl and Arrow. So let’s boil it down.

Are smoothie bowls and smoothies a healthy choice? 

Smoothie and smoothie bowls absolutely CAN be a healthy choice - so long as they are what we consider a balanced meal! Our idea of a balanced meal is one that contains ~50% non-starchy carbohydrates (berries, kiwifruit, spinach, beetroot, pineapple), ~20% starchy carbohydrates (banana, mango, oats), ~20% protein, and ~10% fats. Balanced meals have a less severe effect on our blood sugar levels so after eating, our hunger hormone leptin decreases, and the appetite-suppressing hormone ghrelin is raised. This allows us to stay full for longer, and get on with our day without searching for a snack every half hour. 

Smoothies and bowls that provide a balanced nutrient profile ARE a healthy choice. They will keep you fuller for longer, provide you with a variety of vitamins and minerals to nourish your cells, and maintain steady blood sugar levels to keep you functioning at your very best!

Should we be looking at the calorie content of a smoothie/bowl or other factors? Is this a helpful indication of a ‘healthy’ option?

Ah, the calorie debacle. Let’s clear this one up. 

Calories are a measure of energy. Just like centimetres are the measurement units for the length of a table, calories are the measurement units for the energy in the food we eat. But what does this actually mean? Our bodies are constantly using energy - even when we are laying at rest, the basic metabolic processes in our body need energy to keep functioning. Then, when we are going about our days, working, exercising, even just standing - our need for energy increases. Food is the fuel for our bodies - so eating provides us with this energy. Keeping in mind the balanced meal idea, it is crucial to understand that different macronutrients (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) have different caloric values and different effects on our bodies. Protein and fats will keep you fuller for longer whereas carbohydrates provide a shorter and sharper source of energy. So despite the caloric content, a balanced smoothie bowl should keep you full and satisfied until your next meal! 

Also, remember that food has much more value than just energy - it is hydrating, contains essential nutrients, provides you with mental clarity, maintains blood sugar levels, strengthens your bones, boosts your immune system, and satisfies your SOUL! So keep in mind:

Calories = energy.

Calories ≠ health outcomes. 


What are some of the key ingredients we want to be looking for in a perfect smoothie? 

Now that you know what a balanced meal looks like, we can put this into context! In the perfect smoothie, we want to meet this model. A great base to a smoothie would be some starchy carbohydrates - banana, steamed/frozen kumara and mango are all great options! Now, we want to get some protein in there - a scoop of protein powder, a spoonful of hemp seeds, chia seeds, or a ¼ cup of Greek yoghurt. Next, we need to boost the micronutrient profile and add some flavour (a.k.a - add some non-starchy carbohydrates). Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, kiwifruit, oranges, spinach, feijoa, beetroot and pineapple are all great options here! Finally - your source of fat. Some amazing options are avocado, nut butter, and granola - and what's even better is these can go on top of your bowl for extra crunch and flavour!

What are some ingredients we should avoid?

When making smoothie bowls at home, our advice is to keep it simple and minimal. We want to avoid any sugar-sweetened products (such as flavoured yoghurts, ice cream, syrups, sweetened nut milk) and stick to the likes of Greek yoghurt and unsweetened almond milk. Then, the fruit in the smoothie will not only provide the sweetness we crave, but it will also provide us with fibre and nutrients to nourish our bodies! 

Should I avoid nut butter and coconut products because they are ‘fats’? 

Absolutely not! Let's get something straight here - fats DO NOT make you ‘fat!’

Fat is an essential part of our diet as they provide insulation to our bodies, function in the membranes of our cells and store vitamins A, D, E and K which are essential for our bodies. What we do want to be careful of is the TYPE of fat we are consuming. Saturated fats are those that are solid at room temperature such as coconut oil and butter, and should be consumed minimally as excess consumption can cause inflammation. Mono and polyunsaturated fats are essential as they provide omega-3 and omega-6 fats which cannot be made by the body. The eyes and the brain in particular require these fats to optimise visual activity and cognitive function. Nut butter generally contains just 14% saturated fat, as well as providing 59% monounsaturated fat, and 27% polyunsaturated fat (good fats), and research has found consuming nut butter can lower blood cholesterol, blood pressure AND reduce inflammation. So please don't boycott fats! In moderation and alignment with our balanced meal, fats are MAJORLY beneficial to our bodies! Plus, they’re one of the most delicious toppings to add to a smoothie bowl! 


Do superfoods (like cacao and Maca) really make a difference?

Superfoods are, by definition, nutrient-rich foods considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being. There are absolutely some foods that have more diverse nutrient profiles than others, and there are some powders and mixes that have great health benefits. Cacao powder's main claim-to-fame is due to its content of polyphenols which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its content of vitamins and minerals. Likewise, Maca powder is known to be high in minerals - especially calcium and iron. Adding the likes of Maca powder or cacao to already balanced meals will definitely boost the nutrient profile of the meal. However, these products do not contain any 'magical' properties that other foods are lacking. They are simply another way to get some extra nutrients in. What we don't want is for these superfoods to be REPLACING the likes of whole foods in the diet. Balance and moderation are the keys here!

The great thing about smoothie bowls or smoothies is that you are able to add in any extra nutrient supplements you require for your individual needs.

What are some ingredients to include to help sustain us for longer?

Protein, protein, and more protein! The word protein literally means of prime importance. Proteins make up the structures of our bodies - muscles, skin, hair, AND provide us with high-quality energy keeping us feeling satiated and full for longer. So we want to include a decent source of protein in every meal we eat! Some great sources of protein are:

  • Protein powders (aim for a powder with >20g per serve)

  • Cow's milk

  • Soy milk

  • Greek yoghurt

  • Chia seeds

  • Nut butter.

Again, aiming to create a balanced meal will keep you sustained, satiated and feeling great!

So now that you’ve your nutrition facts straight - grab out your blender and get creative! The best thing about smoothies is that you can really make them hit the spot by adding your favourite flavours and crafting a beautiful, aesthetic, Instagram-worthy topping. Ahh, health never tasted so good!

Need some guidance to get you started? Bowl and Arrow has kindly shared the recipe below so you can begin making your own smoothie bowls!



5 Simple Tips To Save Money on Groceries

5 Simple Tips To Save Money on Groceries

Shopping healthily on a budget can have its challenges, as the weekly food bill can take a big slice out of our finances. There's no denying with high quality food can come extra cost - but fortunately, to a degree. Here are 5 tips, that can help you avoid compromising on nutrition, while still shopping inexpensively and have more money to spend on new summer hats :)

...click on the title to read the post

Alcohol and your choices


Alcohol and your choices

So how can I still drink alcohol but keep within my healthy limits? How many calories are in alcohol? Is my favourite alcoholic drink making me put on weight?! A few ideas for your alcohol-free days:


The lowdown on alcohol


The lowdown on alcohol

The lowdown on alcohol, drinking within guidelines: can it still be a problem for your health? How does alcohol affect your sleep and liver health? How does alcohol affect hormone metabolism? How are alcohol and digestion related?


Introduction to Intermittent Fasting


Introduction to Intermittent Fasting

It’s on everyones lips at the moment. Intermittent fasting (IF) has gained significant popularity the last few years, situating itself as one of the worlds most popular health and fitness trends. But is there truth behind the claims, or is it just another fad? Today we explore the interesting world of IF!


Easy Salmon Poke Bowl


Easy Salmon Poke Bowl

Food for your mood…YEOW! Here is a dish that delivers 31g protein, your Omega 3’s and is rich in Vitamin B12! This is a great wee lunch or dinner recipe when you are wanting to eat food that best supports your brain health.


In Defence of Potatoes

In Defence of Potatoes

In Defence of Potatoes

In 1863, William Banting – an English undertaker – wrote a booklet entitled, “Letter on Corpulence, Addressed to the Public.” In it, he outlined his battle with obesity including all of his failed diets and exercise regimes, and described the regime that finally worked for him.

What worked? Avoiding sugar, saccharine matter, starch, and beer, amongst a few other things. He still ate four meals a day consisting of meat, vegetables, fruit, and dry wine.

In 1863, one of the main sources of starch in the diet was the humble potato. With the recent resurgence of the low carb way of eating, potatoes have once again been relegated to the category of fattening, owing to their high starch content.

So why would we want to defend them?

There are many reasons to love the potato beyond the fact they are the key component of French fries.

1. They aren’t even that high in carbohydrates.

Not that being high in carbs should necessarily be a deterrent to eat a wholefood source of carbohydrates! Depending on your goals, potatoes can easily be worked into your diet.

Per 100 gram serving, only 17 grams are carbs. Of those 17 grams, 2.2 grams are fibre. This reduces the ‘usable’ carbohydrate from 17 grams, to 14.8 grams (total carbs net of fibre). Of these 14.8 remaining grams, an untold amount is actually ‘resistant starch’ (RS) – a form of starch that ‘resists’ normal digestion and is processed more like fibre in the body, and feeds certain strains of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

2. They provide resistant starch.

Speaking of resistant starch, potatoes are one of the few sources of RS in the diet. The amount varies according to cooking methods and preparations. For example, cooking and cooling potatoes before eating them dramatically increases the amount of starch that’s ‘resistant’ to normal digestion – though how much, nobody really knows. However, it’s safe to say that of those ~14.8 grams of carbohydrate remaining in 100 grams of potato after fibre has been subtracted, not many actually get used as starch.

Resistant starch is a hefty topic, and one best left for its own post (coming soon!), but some benefits include:

  • Preferentially feed ‘good’ gut bugs that produce butyrate. Butyrate is the prime energy source for our colonic cells.

  • Improves insulin sensitivity, and lowers the insulin response to food.

  • Reduces fasting blood sugar.

  • Increases satiety.

My favourite way to eat resistant starch? Potato salad (with homemade mayonnaise).

3. They provide many essential vitamins and minerals.

Potatoes aren’t simply carb bombs. No, they’re actually very nutritious, offering a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. In fact, they’re so nutrient-dense that it’s been hypothesized that one could survive on a diet of potatoes and milk for months.

In the same 100 grams of potatoes, you’ll get:

  • 7% of your recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamins B1 and B3, as well as manganese.

  • 9% of your RDI of potassium and phosphorous.

  • An impressive 23% of your RDI of vitamin B6.

  • And an unexpected but amazing 25% of the RDI of vitamin C.

  • You also get modest amounts of vitamin B2, B5, folate, non-heme iron, magnesium, and zinc.

They may not look like much, and they may have been (temporarily) outlawed by the Paleo movement owing to their glycaemic index and saponin content. However, they’ve recently been added back in to the list of approved Paleo items (just not in highly processed forms, like chips and French fries).

4. They’re cheap!

With vegetable prices seemingly increasing every day, the humble potato is reliably cheap and always available. They’re also incredibly easy to grow yourself, if you have the space to do so.

You pay slightly more for the washed varieties, but if you don’t mind scrubbing a bit of dirt off, you can save even more money. Heck, a little dirt may even serve as a free probiotic!

They’re a very good way to add bulk to a meal without spending much money, plus (as mentioned above) potatoes are uniquely filling. Just make sure you store them in a cool, dark place, and throw them out if they start to go green – green potatoes are toxic.

5. They’re oh-so versatile.

This Wikipedia article lists 92 different varieties of potatoes. 92!! Of course the majority aren’t available here in New Zealand, but even your standard grocery store will have three or more varieties, ranging from waxy to floury, washed to unwashed.

Varieties aside, there are literally countless ways to cook and prepare potatoes. Baked, boiled, fried, dauphinoise, scalloped, mashed, whipped… not to mention the ways they can be used as components of other recipes, such as Shepherd's pie, curries, soups, and stews. I own two cookbooks entirely dedicated to potatoes. One book alone boasts over 200 recipes!

As a wholefood source of carbohydrates, there is nothing wrong with the potato. In fact, there’s a whole lot right with it.

Thanks, from the Feel Fresh Nutrition Team xx

Image: @chaminchamin

Our simplistic guide to buying protein powder


Our simplistic guide to buying protein powder

Protein. It’s not just for bodybuilders or gym-goers! It’s a perfectly good option to have on the daily when you are wanting to increase your total protein. We like thinking of protein powder as a convenient form of protein that can be used to supplement your whole food diet. Regardless of your goals, eating a whole food diet based on vegetables, fruits, animal or plant proteins and whole grains helps to ensure a good spread of vitamins, minerals, and fibre.

What to look for in a protein powder

We know that not all protein powders are created equally. Many on the market are full of sugar, fillers, vegetable oils and highly processed protein sources. When we recommend protein powders to our Feel Fresh Nutrition clients, we have a checklist for them to use.

A protein powder should contain fewer than five ingredients, ideally have organic or free-range ingredients, be a complete protein containing all essential amino acids while being high in absorbable protein; more than 15g per serve. Lastly, we advise choosing a protein powder that is low in carbs and sugar. Look for something that contains less than 5g of carbs per serve. Bearing in mind that in a quality whey-based product those carbs and sugars will be coming from naturally occurring lactose.

Go Good and Two Islands ticks all the boxes for us and we happily recommend it to all our clients. GoGood has plant-based protein, whey protein, and also if you are not sure if you’ll like it, they have sample sizes so you can also try the range of flavours! Their whey protein is made 100% from New Zealand dairy and flavoured with natural, organic freeze-dried fruit. It’s highly absorbable and low in total carbs.

To make your lives even easier, click on this link and it will automatically apply the discount (20%) at checkout.

Click on the image to go to the store - this will automatically apply the discount (20%) at checkout.

Click on the image to go to the store - this will automatically apply the discount (20%) at checkout.


Barriers to Weight Loss


Barriers to Weight Loss

Intentions. Goals. Plans. They’re all well and good. We definitely need them. But life is not straightforward. No matter how well we think we’ve planned our week, how realistic our goals are or how powerful we think our self-restraint is, life will come along and test us. And yes, good ol’ fashioned willpower and habits can get you a long way. But acknowledging that there are barriers to your weight loss is important. It’s also the first step in overcoming them. 

We’ve been chatting to the Feel Fresh Nutrition team about the barrier they see most often in their clients, as we know that these will be the same ones you’re facing. Below we’re going to break down the intricacies behind these barriers and some pathways forward for you. Let us know if these work for you and help you achieve your goals!

Barriers to Weight Loss


We hear this in the clinic all the time, so know that you’re not alone. Have a look at your food diary and establish when your snack cravings are hitting. Is it mid-afternoon or after dinner? Or next time one hits, stop and reflect for a moment. Has it been four hours since your last meal? How are you feeling? Common responses: bored, looking for a distraction, emotional, anxious, etc. Understanding your triggers around snacks is the first step to being able to tackle this barrier. 


If it’s after dinner: Try creating a nighttime ritual around ending your eating for the day. It could be a bath or peppermint tea. Rituals are an important part of life and can help establish boundaries. Tack new habits onto old ones, i.e. “After I clean the kitchen, I’ll brush my teeth”.

Ah, I think I’m just bored or needing a distraction from work: Try getting up from your desk and going for a walk, making a cup of tea, talking to a co-worker (or your dog). You might be using a snack as a way to break up the day but there are lots of other things you could be doing.

Yep, I’m actually hungry: Great! Is it time to cook up one of the delicious meals on your meal plan? Then let’s get cooking. And maybe notice how long it takes you to get hungry in between meals so you can start cooking before the hunger kicks in tomorrow. If it’s not mealtime, can you substitute whatever it is you’re craving with one of our supplied Feel Fresh Nutrition snacks? It’s totally fine to have one of these once a day! If not, then you’re better off mindfully indulging than avoiding whatever it is and overeating a thousand other “better” things. The word mindfully is key here. That doesn’t mean a whole block of Whittaker’s while you smash out that deadline. It means stepping away from the computer, sitting down and having a few bites of whatever it is you’re craving. Enjoy it, savour it and make the most of this delicious food you’re fuelling your body with.

Work Functions

This is one of the most challenging situations. We’re not in control of what’s being served, we often arrive hungrily and the alcohol is flowing. This time of year it’s common to have lots of celebrations to attend. And after the year that’s been, any excuse to celebrate is a good one! But there are some simple steps you can take if this is constantly knocking you off course.


Plan. If you know you’ve got an event after work, make sure you have a filling snack in the afternoon so you don’t arrive starving. Then think about what you’re going to do when they offer you a drink. Will you skip the first round, or space out your drinks with alternating water? Going into a situation with a plan makes you much more likely to succeed.

Crowding Out. This is an easy one to enact, no matter the menu. Rather than overthinking what’s on offer, start with filling up on certain foods. If it’s plated, start filling your plate with a side of seasonal vegetables or salads. This will leave less room for the pasta and bread rolls. Grazing platters are manageable too if you look for proteins (sliced meats, cheese) and vegetables (carrot sticks, olives, grapes) and avoid too much of the crackers, breadsticks and bread. Have you noticed that devilled eggs also seem to be back? They’re a winner in our books.

Who you gonna call? We love a good challenge and a nosey at a beautiful menu. If you get to see the menu of your function in advance, send it through to us. We can have a look over and offer you some advice on how to navigate it. Again, going in with a plan will make it so much easier. 

Work Environment

Work functions, team coffee dates, a morning tea to break-up the routine. Sometimes it can feel like the whole office is a never-ending grazing platter. Up your game and hold the course for the Programme (and beyond) with these tips.


Friends with benefits. Not like that. But someone who knows what you’re up to and will support you. Maybe they’ll give you a heads up that there’s pizza in the kitchen or they’ll make sure there are some healthy snacks at the morning tea. Having a partner in crime will dramatically increase your chances of success.

All. Or Nothing. This one depends on your personality type. Either have a mentality that you can indulge as much as you want, but only on certain things (the proteins and vegetables like above) and not others (muffins, pastries, scones, or anything else from a bakery). This can make it easier to not feel like you’re being deprived or missing out. Or, decide that you will not indulge in any snacks outside the meal plan and approved snacks. This works really well for those that know that once they start, it’s a slippery slope. Either way works, but pick the one that you know will work for you.


Prioritising your health and wellness sounds good, but sometimes there are other expenses that have to come first. You don’t have to break the bank to eat good, healthy food.


Brr, it’s cold in here. Frozen options are King (or Queen) when you’re on a budget. There are so many options in the veggie aisle these days and when they’re snap frozen all the nutrients are locked in there rather than wilting in your fridge. On any of the meals, swap out fresh for frozen (or tinned) where you can.

Switch it up. We’ve kept quite a lot of variety in the meal plan for those who get bored of one protein all the time. But if what’s included is too pricey, feel free to swap it out. Or if there’s a meal with lots of odd ingredients you’d have to purchase (like sauerkraut or hemp seeds) you can either leave off those ingredients or double up on one of the more budget-friendly meals. Or have a look at some of the vegetarian options. Tins of beans are cheap!


Of all these barriers, temptation lies at the core of many. And it can be a tough mindset to overcome. This is where your goal setting and reflection are really important. Take some time to reflect on what you’re trying to achieve, what’s underneath the temptation and the core emotions that have you reaching for the chocolate bars. And then take action. Controlling your food environment when and where you can will go a long way.


In it for the long game. We’re not here for an eight-week, lose lots of weight, then pile it back on sort of challenge. We’re here for long-term, flexible plans that work with your life, to help you achieve your goals. We’re here to build healthy habits, learn new skills, try new foods and to feel energised. Food should make you feel good, not deprived. Don’t stress about the occasional craving as it’s all part of the eating well journey.

Back on the wagon. Focus on the wins, not the losses. If you look at your meal plan, you’ll see 21 meals on there. If you totally skip out on four meals, you’re still at 80%. Which would technically make you an A+ student. If we had a gold star, we’d give it to you. So rather than beating yourself up after one meal out or a muffin, and giving up completely, know that you’re still doing so well. And continue on with the rest of the Programme. You’ve got this.

We’re so proud of everyone and the progress you’ve been making. You’ve prioritised your health and we love hearing about the changes you’re seeing in your bodies and energy levels. We hope that these tips, pulled from the brains of the whole Feel Fresh Nutrition team, help you continue for the final stretch and then into the rest of your lives.

If you are looking for more one-on-one advice, personalised meal plans or have specific goals that we can help you achieve, you’re welcome to book a consultation with one of our team. You can meet them all here or simply call our Practice Manager, Rosanne on 027 376 7388 to discuss your personal needs. 


Holiday Eating


Holiday Eating

If you fall off the bandwagon over the holidays, don’t be too hard on yourself! Motivation levels will rise and fall but that’s okay, you’re human, it happens. If you’ve had the odd extra (or extra, extra) glass of wine or enjoyed a delicious meal and gone back for seconds, focus on jumping right back on the healthy bandwagon, remembering that each meal is an opportunity to make healthy choices and start again. Just because you’ve gone ‘off plan’ doesn’t mean all is lost!

‘All or nothing’ mentality

Our mindset has a large impact on the choices we make. If you notice yourself falling into an ‘all or nothing’ pattern take some time to notice and write down some of the thoughts you are experiencing. For example, rather than saying “I will never lose weight because I ate a piece of cake”, change this to something more positive such as, “a single piece of cake won’t hinder my weight loss, especially because I am otherwise eating a nourishing balanced diet and exercising regularly”. 

Treats as part of the plan

As a part of our philosophy at Feel Fresh Nutrition, we encourage people to enjoy treats as part of their meal plan twice per week. ‘Treats’ are food choices that you don’t choose regularly. Choices may include chocolate cake, fish and chips, ice-cream, pizza, confectionery, or Thai takeaways. Typically, these food choices tend to be high in added sugar and/or saturated fat, and have low levels of essential nutrients, and fibre. We understand that life is all about balance and planning some of your favourite foods as a part of your week will ensure you feel less restricted and you will be less likely to overeat or binge.  

In the grand scheme of things, enjoying two special meals or snacks each week will not hinder your progress, as long as you have a guilt-free experience, and choose those foods carefully – simply because of the sheer joy of indulgence! It’s what you do most of the time, on a consistent, long-term basis that makes all the difference and defines how you eat.

Social occasions and pulling back

During the holidays our balance can become tested. With many social events, it can be easy to overindulge. Sometimes, it might even seem impossible to not! But you can stay on track. You just need to be mindful and have a plan. During this time, it can be beneficial to set boundaries. Where possible, make healthy choices and focus on portion sizes, ensuring you don’t overeat. Here are a few tips to help keep your balance:

  • Crowding Out

It is officially platter season! Instead of feeling like you have to deprive yourself of certain foods when you are out, why don't you concentrate on the options that work beautifully for you? If you are low carb, then get stuck into the proteins (sliced meats, cheese, nuts) and vegetables (carrot sticks, olives, grapes) and avoid too much of the crackers, breadsticks and bread. Have you noticed that devilled eggs also seem to be back? They’re a winner in our books.

  • When you are dining out

This is an easy one to enact, no matter the menu. Rather than overthinking what’s on offer, start with filling up on certain foods. If it’s plated, start filling your plate with a side of seasonal vegetables or salads. This will leave less room for the pasta and bread rolls and chips. 

  • Avoid over-eating due to too many delicious choices

Aim to eat until you are 80% full. Remember to eat mindfully without distraction, chewing your food thoroughly!

  • Limit alcoholic drinks

Set yourself a goal for each week, this may be having 4 alcohol-free nights each week and when consuming alcohol try to have a glass of water or soda water between each drink. Or you might enjoy a nice alternative like kombucha.

  • Be prepared with healthy snacks

Bring your own platter to gatherings. Try some veggie sticks with hummus, olives, fresh seasonal fruit, and mixed nuts. 

  • Try your best not to skip meals

Forgetting to have lunch will leave you hungry, tired, and craving a quick pick-me-up which usually is not the most nourishing choice! 

  • Sleep! 

If you’ve had a good night’s sleep, you’re much less likely to reach for sugary options in front of you to provide a quick burst of energy. Aim for 7-9 hours each night and notice the difference!

Self- sabotage

Here is some food for thought: Say you’re late to work one morning. Would you, therefore, think, “Oh well, may as well give up for the day and be late for everything”? Or would you keep on with your day as planned and manage your time better the following morning? Hopefully, it would be the latter, understanding that one little hiccup does not equal complete failure. If you overindulge or choose a pretty luxurious meal that you then wish you hadn’t, the best bit is, you have many opportunities every day to just choose healthy foods and eat to feel fantastic! 

It may be helpful to look at your week as a whole, noticing that if you eat 3 meals a day, that makes 21 meals each week. If you enjoy 2-3 meals off your plan each week, in the larger scheme of things that’s quite a small percentage and will not hinder your progress to reach your goals.

Remember, it is what we do every day that affects our health, not what we do sometimes. Moderation and balance is everything to creating a healthy, sustainable lifestyle with food that you love and habits that suit you.


Using the meal plan: Vegetarian to Vegan

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Using the meal plan: Vegetarian to Vegan

Hello to our fellow vegans and vegan-curious folk! As you know, vegetarian and vegan diets are similar, although there are a few key differences. Simply put, vegetarians consume honey, dairy products and eggs, vegans do not. Luckily vegan alternatives have come a long way in the past few years and so there are multiple simple swaps for these ingredients. Michaela has kindly listed the swaps you need to know about when changing the vegetarian recipes to be vegan-friendly! 

List of vegan swaps for dairy and eggs - Vegetarian recipe adaptations


Many individuals are ditching the dairy in their morning coffee to avoid an unhappy tummy later on. Luckily there is now a huge range of cows’ milk alternative options that are easily accessible and affordable. Soy, almond, coconut, rice, and oat milk are most common in New Zealand, although you may also come across hemp milk now and then too! The main thing to consider when swapping out cows’ milk in a recipe is the flavour of the alternative milk. For example, almond and coconut milk have a strong flavour and therefore may not be suitable for the recipe. Instead, you may like to opt for unsweetened oat milk which is still creamy but is closer to a neutral flavour. Another important aspect to note is that not all alternative milks are fortified with calcium. This may not be an issue if you are still consuming other dairy products, but if you use this milk to fully replace cows’ milk in your diet, it is important to choose one with calcium added. 


Cheese seems to be the biggest barrier for many people when attempting a vegan diet because, in all honesty, vegan cheese can often be a bit of a fail. Although as the shift away from dairy continues, more and more cheese alternatives are popping up. The unfortunate aspect of decent vegan cheese is that it doesn’t run cheap, especially if you are getting it from a speciality brand. Alternatively, you may like to try nutritional yeast flakes or making your own cheese alternative at home. Tofu can be used to make a creamy ‘cheese’, whereas soaking and blending nuts like almond or cashew with other ingredients can create a more solid cheese. Some say the best way to avoid disappointment is to remove all cheese and cheese alternatives for a month, then introduce vegan cheese. This way you are less likely to notice the differences between dairy cheese and vegan cheese! From a nutritionist perspective, vegan cheese is lacking in a few key nutrients that make dairy-based cheese superior. For example, vegan cheese is much lower in calcium and sometimes does not even contain it. Dairy-based cheese is also a source of B12, which as we have discussed is known to be deficient in a vegan diet. 


Dairy-free yoghurt options include coconut yoghurt, soy yoghurt, and the less common almond yoghurt, all of which have a significantly different nutritional profile to dairy-based yoghurt. Here’s where it is important to understand why the recipe is asking for yoghurt, is it to enhance flavour or texture? If the recipe suggests adding yoghurt to increase creaminess, try blending tofu and adding that instead. If the recipe lists yoghurt because of the taste, it is best to find an alternative yoghurt that is flavoured the same as the yoghurt it is asking for i.e greek/natural to add tanginess, regardless of whether it be soy or coconut or almond-based. Keep in mind that coconut-based products will always carry a coconut taste with them. This may be beneficial if making a curry or fruity smoothie, otherwise, you may like to opt for a different option to better suit the recipe. Also important to consider if you are watching your weight is that coconut based alternatives are higher in calories and saturated fat, and lower in protein than regular dairy products. 


You can purchase egg alternatives, which come powdered in a box and simply require a few ingredients to be added. Alternatively, you may like to try substituting eggs for homemade chia or flax egg, which is 1 tbsp chia seeds + 2.5 tbsp water mixed together and left to sit for a few minutes to thicken. For a sweet recipe such as muffins, mashed banana or applesauce may work, as for savoury recipes like scrambled eggs, tofu could act as an alternative. If you are feeling extra adventurous you could try using Aqaba, which is the leftover juice found in a can of chickpeas. When blended this can create an egg-like consistency that can be added to baking! It’s perfect for when egg whites are called for and can be whipped up with the same result.

Want more on eating like a vegan?

Some extra notes for those that would like a little more info on vegan eating.

Veganism is characterised by the exclusion of all animal products from an individual's diet. This includes meat, fish, eggs, dairy and often other non-food products that contain ingredients derived from animals such as makeup. People follow a vegan lifestyle for many reasons, some may choose this diet in order to minimise their impact on the environment, others may refrain from consuming animal products to reduce animal abuse and suffering, or it may be that they find a vegan diet to be best for their health. Whatever the reason for choosing to follow a vegan lifestyle, there are a few key nutrients that are lacking in a vegan diet and must be planned for.

Amino acids (protein)

Not all protein-containing foods are created equal. Plant-based protein sources are often lacking in one or more of the essential amino acids or building blocks that create a complete protein source. The exception to this being soy and quinoa. Animal protein has all 9 of the essential amino acids and it is, therefore, easier to get everything you need in one package. Whereas with meals formed around plant-based proteins it is necessary to follow food combining rules to ensure you are getting all 9 essential amino acids within your meal. This is certainly possible to do so, it just requires a little more thoughtful planning. For example:

  • Grains + Legumes/beans i.e. rice topped with bean chilli

  • Nuts/seeds + Legumes/beans i.e. nourish bowl salad with chickpeas and seed sprinkle

  • Nuts/seeds + Whole grains i.e. Peanut butter sandwich with whole-grain bread


In a Western diet, dairy is our main source of calcium, which is a mineral we require for strong bones and muscle function. Within a vegan diet, calcium can be lacking, as all sources of dairy such as milk, cheese and yoghurt, are excluded. The main sources of calcium in a vegan diet are green leafy veggies, fortified plant milk, and calcium-set tofu. It can be extremely difficult to get enough calcium to reach the recommended daily allowance when following a vegan diet as many other foods can inhibit or decrease calcium absorption. Mindfully planning a meal to avoid calcium inhibitors can help to support adequate consumption. If the recommended daily allowance cannot be achieved through fortified products supplementation may be needed.


Similar to protein, not all iron-containing foods are created equal. Haem iron is found in animal products and is easily absorbed by the body, whereas non-haem iron is found in plant-based sources and is a little more tricky for our bodies to absorb. Non-haem iron is also impacted significantly by other foods, whether this is by increasing or decreasing absorption. Vegan sources of iron are green leafy veggies, legumes and nuts and seeds. Pairing these foods with Vitamin C can support increasing the amount of iron uptake that occurs.

Low iron levels can cause us to feel lethargic, it can impact how our brain works, and it can affect our immune system. Luckily iron can be supplemented and so this is something we recommend keeping an eye on through regular blood tests. If you need a quality supplement, this is something that can be arranged through the nutritionists at Feel Fresh nutrition. 


Zinc can be found in both non-vegan and vegan foods, although vegan sources are less bioavailable and therefore are more difficult for our body to absorb. Zinc is important for skin health, the healing process, and senses such as vision, taste, and smell. Eating a variety of legumes, soy products, nuts and seeds will help to support adequate zinc intake. Pairing these foods with a source of protein can help to enhance absorption. If you are concerned about your zinc intake you may like to monitor this through blood tests, and if a deficiency is showing up zinc can be supplemented. 

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 may be the most well-known nutrient that can be lacking in a vegan diet. It is found solely in animal products and therefore is impossible to get through a vegan diet so supplementation is essential. B12 is a vital component of DNA and a healthy nervous system so it is important to keep an eye on this through regular blood tests. We urge you to have your blood tested to check for Vitamin B12 deficiency if you have not done so and are following a vegan diet. The nutritionists at Feel Fresh Nutrition can suggest an appropriate supplement for you.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important for healthy bones because it helps the body to absorb calcium, it also acts to support a healthy immune system. Most New Zealanders, vegan and non-vegan, tend to be deficient in vitamin D, despite our hot summers. Spending adequate time in the sunshine is one way to get your daily dose, another reliable source of vitamin D is fatty fish. For those who follow a vegan diet, their main food sources of vitamin D are limited but include mushrooms and fortified products such as milk and cereals. Vitamin D supplementation is an option if you are concerned about your levels, and when consumed alongside a meal containing fat the absorption of vitamin D can be boosted.

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Meet Julianne, Powerlifter and Lover of Strong Cheese


Meet Julianne, Powerlifter and Lover of Strong Cheese

The Feel Fresh Nutrition team has had a few changes recently, so we thought it’s a great time to re-introduce the team. Meet our resident powerlifter, Julianne!

Alright Julianne, let’s dive right in. What’s your favourite way to work out?

I am a competitive powerlifter. While I don’t always enjoy the training, I do love the challenge and I love seeing how my body is getting incredibly strong. I also like to walk in nature. 

Appreciate your honesty about the training! There’s nothing quite like a good walk in New Zealand’s beautiful scenery. Anywhere you’re planning to head this year?

I’d love to do one of the long walks in the South Island. Maybe Abel Tasman National Park.

Oh yes! And how would you kick off a long hike, coffee or tea?

Definitely coffee, espresso with a little frothed almond milk or cream. 

Delicious! Speaking of favourites, what’s high on your list of favourite foods?

I love simple food with a little flavour added. I love vegetables, especially pumpkin and kumara, as well as salads of all types.

My indulgences would be a glass of wine, gooey strong cheese with fruit paste and crackers, and pavlova.

On a daily basis, I eat good amounts of protein, partly because it keeps me full and it helps my powerlifting, but also it is tasty. Poultry and seafood are my favourites. 

Sounds all very well balanced. What’s your go-to seafood dish to cook?

To be honest, I don’t like cooking that much! So my go-to is always anything that is quick and tastes amazing. Something like salmon with a herbed crust, with salad and tasty dressing and chargrilled veggies.

Your clients like that you’re not giving them long complicated meals to cook too. With your clients, what’s your favourite goal to help them achieve?

I love seeing clients improve their health, reduce inflammation, find out how food affects their auto-immune disease and gaining health improvements by removing it. The power of diet to have big effects on health is incredible.

I had a client who had no idea that nutrition - diet and supplements - could impact their chronic inflammatory disease as much as it did. Both he and his doctor changed their minds about nutrition.

I also love seeing people regain energy through diet changes. Everyone benefits from a bit more energy in their lives!

That’s so true! What would you do with a bit more energy in your life?

I’d work on being more productive, especially with my writing - I have so many blog posts in my head.

We can’t wait to read them! We always learn a lot from your posts.

Want to learn more from Julianne, without waiting for her next blog post? Book in to see her today.
