Feel Fresh Nutrition

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What does "healthy" mean to you?

"Healthy" means different things to different people. What an be 'healthy' for one person may not be very...healthy for another.

We love that there is no one size fits all. 

We love that you all have opinions, views, ethical and sustainable considerations. We love that some of you don't have any.

We love that being 'healthy' no longer is just related to food.

We love that nutrition has become so much MORE than just food, but also how we care for our minds and how we move our bodies. And in the cases when healthy becomes 'unhealthy' we are happy to be here to to simplify it for so many people. 

We asked our brilliant nutritionist Danijela Unkovich from Feel Fresh Community to tell us what 'healthy' means to her:)

Meet Danijela! 

Danijela is one of the nutritionists at Feel Fresh Nutrition, currently dividing her time across both clinical and community work. She also runs the health and wellness blog ‘Healthy Always’, which is where she shares healthy recipe ideas and wellness content.


Why do you DO what you do?

Health and wellness has been an interest for as long as I can remember - a kind of innate passion, that came to fruition quite easily. However, it was after a health problem that I really started to contemplate what good health meant. I became far more mindful of what I ate, saw great benefits, and thought ‘hey, this stuff really works!’. From there it lead to the decision to pursue further study in nutrition.

Ultimately, why I do what I do is that by being a nutritionist I get to educate and guide others on something I believe in and are passionate about (which means work never feels like work!), and encourage them to take control of their health - which I think is pretty cool!

What does healthy mean to you?

A few different things - largely, having a positive relationship with, and respect for, our body. This is far more than the foods we eat, but the sum of our daily habits - things like being mindful of the thoughts we think, getting enough sleep, spending time with loved ones and moving our body. It’s also living a life of balance - sometimes the pressure we put on ourselves is so astronomical, even if it comes from a good place. The quest for perfectionism only harms our health. Of course, also living a life that makes us largely happy, and dedicating time to what lights us up and gets us excited.

What do you do for yourself, that makes you feel good?

I’m naturally introverted - I recharge my batteries best with quiet down time, and this time for myself makes me feel good. For me that could be reading a good book, hanging with my dog, or getting creative in the kitchen.

What are 5 things that you do in a day that you would consider ‘healthy habits’?

  1. When I wake up the first thing to enter my body is a big glass of water! We’re naturally a little dehydrated when we wake. Rehydrating first thing perks me up just as good as a coffee does.

  2. I make time to talk to loved ones. It’s not in the diary or anything, but I find it just happens. My relationships, particularly with my family, are so important to me - and so, I believe important to my health.

  3. I eat a nutrient-packed breakfast. I feel my best into the morning when I get a good breakfast in.

  4. I aim to mostly eat ‘real’ foods - or, foods that are as least processed as possible. There’s no denying this way of eating makes us feel pretty good - as humans we’re all natural, so it makes sense our food is too!

  5. I have a AM and PM skincare routine, which I have kept up since I was probably half the age I am now. I consider it a healthy habit as it’s a little act of self-love to start and end the day with.

What are your 5 favourite foods at the moment?

  1. Avocado. They’re the most beautiful food, so creamy and delicious!I eat it with my salads or in a smoothie most days.

  2. Oats. A bowlful is like a hug for your stomach.

  3. Kombucha. Very stereotypical for a nutritionist/health blogger I know, but I love it!

  4. Pesto - amazing on salads or meats. Takes everything up a notch.

  5. Chocolate - one of my favourtie foods in the world.

Movement...how do you do it, how important is it to you?

Exercise always felt like a chore until I learnt that it didn’t really matter what I did, as long as I was moving my body and I enjoyed it! It took a while to figure out what I like - for now it’s a mix of yoga/pilates and HIIT training. I also love going for walks. 

As for its importance, ultimately us humans are made for movement! The health benefits are endless. I find it helps to manage stress, so it’s of great importance to me.

Best place to eat out in Auckland (cafes, restaurants etc)

This is difficult, I have many! The French Cafe and The Sugar Club for a fancy night out, Orphans Kitchen, Green Leaf Organics, Major Sprout and Mondays Wholefoods for some epic healthy cuisine, and Giapo for the best ice cream of my life.

How do you contribute to your community?

By showing up mentally to my work and being as present as possible, sharing what I know, and always being open to learning from others - I guess that’s what a community is all about, supporting each other!

If you want more of Danijela - you can find her here:

Bio on Feel Fresh Nutrition Website: https://feelfreshnutrition.com/about/#aboutdanijela
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healthyalways
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/healthyalwaysnz/